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Flight Staff Cadets



Once a cadet has successfully completed the GIC, GS (Silver) and AGT courses and is 17 years of age they are eligible to apply for a position within the VGS of Flight Staff Cadet.


This is a staff position within the Gliding Squadron and if successful in their application which must be approved by their Squadron Commanding Officer, the Officer Commanding of their ATC Wing or CCF Contingent HQ and the Gliding Squadron Commanding Officer they will move off the ‘books’ of their squadrons entitlement for and onto the VGS’s books.


A FSC must continue to attend his or her squadron as normal, however as their main duties especially at weekends are now gliding, which will take priority over all other cadet activities their squadron will be allowed to promote another cadet to compensate for their possible absence. Therefore if a cadet who is a Sergeant becomes a FSC their squadron may promote another cadet to Sergeant and still be within their establishment of NCO’s.


FSC’s certainly have their work cut out for them. At 645 VGS potential FSC’s must undertake a period of attendance where they act as Ground Staff only to prove they are committed. This is usually of no less than 2 months!


Once this probationary period is completed and all the necessary paperwork has been done by the respective people their flying training will be progressed towards Grade 2 and eventually Grade 1 pilots. A FSC must also complete an Initial Glider Pilot Medical Examination at a Royal Air Force station prior to any Pilot Grades being awarded.


As well as the flying FSC’s also take on a large number of ground roles and are expected to help in almost every aspect of the day to day running of a VGS. Such tasks include briefing GIC cadets, strapping cadets into the aircraft, assisting with refuelling operations, keeping aircraft logs and maintaining the aircraft. Although this sounds like a lot it soon becomes second nature and all necessary training is provided and guidance can always be sought from the VGS staff.


The position of FSC is one of the highest achievements a cadet will make during cadet service as they will have the opportunity to become competent gliding instructors and in a number of years may be giving the same training to cadets that they received when they completed their scholarship.


For more information or to apply to become a Flight Staff Cadet at 645 Volunteer Gliding Squadron please contact the Adjutant or Officer Commanding

645 Volunteer Gliding Squadron                 

No 2 Hangar                                                                                                                                                             Telephone: 01845 595 345 (Flying days only)

Alanbrooke Barracks                                                                                                                                               Mobile: 07776 227 349 (Flying days only)                                 THIRSK                                                                                                                                                                      Fax: 01845 595 376                                          

YO73ED                                                                                                                                                                    Email :                 â€‹                                                                                                                      


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